Grand E-Nov + launches the GET Numérique regional digital transformation programme in Troyes
Ukrainian crisis: guide for businesses – energy crisis
The 1st Rencontres de Solainn in Troyes was a resounding success!
Ukrainian crisis: a resilience plan for businesses
Ukrainian crisis: impact on economic activity
Wepa relocates its “big rolls” processing line to Troyes, France
Employment/Training: Companies in the Nogent area set up their production school
3 sites in the South Champagne region are referenced as “turnkey” sites
Sud Champagne well represented at 360 Grand Est
Aymeric MAGNE, Executive Chairman of ESTAC, new Chairman of Business Sud Champagne
BSC: the 3-year review
When AGC-IVB, the leader in façade glass, decided to supply XXL products “made in France”.