Grand E-Nov + launches the GET Numérique regional digital transformation programme in Troyes
The day of 24 March 2022 was entirely dedicated to digital technology in the Grand Est region. Grand E-Nov +, the Grand Est Innovation and International Business Development Agency, in partnership with the Grand Est Region and Business Sud Champagne, launched the regional digital transformation programme, part of the Business Act #2 recovery plan: GET (Grand Est Transformation) Numérique. This is a centre of resources and expertise, a regional accelerator of transformation, business and innovation for solution providers and companies using digital solutions.
Boris Ravignon, Vice-President of the Grand Est Region, responsible for the economy, European funds and public procurement, Philippe Pichery, President of the Conseil Départemental de l’Aube, François Baroin, President of Troyes Champagne Métropole and Mayor of Troyes, and Thierry Meynlé, President of DIVALTO and GET Numérique, officially launched this regional programme.
This was followed by a series of presentations by experts on digital issues (cybersecurity, Sovereign Cloud and Artificial Intelligence), providing an opportunity to showcase innovative digital projects.
Finally, players from the Sud Champagne region were able to present the local digital ecosystem: Business Sud Champagne, the Technopole de l’Aube, Scal E-Nov, the Université de Technologie Troyes, the Union des Industries et Métiers de la Métallurgie, the IoT Academy, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the association Perspectives Numériques 10. The aim was to illustrate the density of the digital ecosystem in Sud Champagne, made up of a group of local players working together as part of the regional GET dynamic.
For more information, visit